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Elgeyo Marakwet Cultural Day

One of the key highlights of the 2019 county cultural festivals was the performance of Kapkonga dancers soloist, master Eisteen Kibet.

Spectators and judges at the County finals held in Iten were impressed by his performance on stage, but few knew that he was a school drop out after his parents could not afford to pay his school fees.

When this message got to H.E Governor Alex Tolgos who was present, he immediately ordered that his fees be paid by the County. Just like that, Kibet’s performance secured him full educational scholarship.

This is just but a tip of what our amazing culture can achieve. It is for reasons such as Kibet’s that the County has been promoting culture to tap the talent that lies in communities living in Elgeyo Marakwet.


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JB Williams

JB Williams

North Rift Tourism & Travel Content Developer

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